NameProjectsEmailPhoneRelated to Available topics (1) (Supervisor)Open Thesis OffersTitleNewsLocationCourses (Lecturer)LinkedInRoom NumberAshima Grewalashima.grewal@tum.deStudent AssistantMunichwww.linkedin.comFelix Martlf.martl@tum.deStudent AssistantMunichwww.linkedin.comFelix Kuhn💧ChemDelta Bavaria: Markteinführungsstrategie eines H2-Reallabors📊Predicting Venture🚀Master thesis goes consulting: Die Zukunft der Wasserstoffwirtschaft in DeutschlandPhDs and post-docsMunichwww.linkedin.com2562Lukas Beckenbauer⛓️Blockchain - Research Group🤖KI in Kundeninteraktionenlukas.beckenbauer@tum.dePhDs and post-docsMunichwww.linkedin.com2560Bernd Storm💊AI for Doctors and the Medical Industry: Increasing Productivity through the Use of AI🌊Innovation in the Management Consulting Industry: The Pain Points of the Customers of Consultants 💻Tech-Driven Innovation in HR and Management Consulting: How to Serve Consulting Customers Better🍄Current Challenges of Human Resources Managers: What they Wish, Want, and Work on👻AI and the Consulting Industry: Increasing Productivity through the use of AI™️Transform Your Employer Brand with Data and Technology: Build an Irresistible Workplace Brand and Position Your Organization as an Employer of Choice⚖️AI for Lawyers and the Legal Industry: Increasing Productivity through the Use of AI📖AI for Administration and Desk Job Workers: Increasing Productivity through the Use of AI🥨Opportunity to Work with Bits and Pretzels ConferenceGuest Lecturerwww.linkedin.comAdela Chenadela.zhenzhuo.chen@tum.deStudent AssistantMunichwww.linkedin.comPetra Langhankipetra.langhanki@tum.deOffice ManagerMunich2554Maxi Gö📰 Analysis of the representation of scientists in media using AI and LLM🚀Project Study in App Development🚀Project Study in Marketing & Business Development 🚀Project Study in AI Development 💬Using Large Language Models for Data Extraction from Document Images for VESTIGAS💪Growth Marketing & Brand Development: 3 projects open for Master Thesis or Project Study at Lemio PhDs andörnitz-5001311b22558Lennart👩💻Building AI competence: Enhancing work performance with AIPhDs and post-docsMunich✅Work and Life Skills (SS 23) www.linkedin.com2564Nicolas LeyhPhDs and post-docsMunichwww.linkedin.com2564Varun Duavarun.dua@tum.deStudent AssistantMunichwww.linkedin.comAnna Paperanna.paper@tum.deStudent AssistantMunichwww.linkedin.comRalph Butterralph.butter@tum.deStudent AssistantMunichwww.linkedin.comDr. Brigitte WinklerGuest Lecturer💡Praktische Einblicke in die Managementberatung (WS22/23)👩🎓Elisabeth Kaiserelisabeth.kaiser@tum.deStudent AssistantMunichJennifer👫Predicting startup success in on-site study based on psychological factorsPhDs and post-docsMunich💡Praktische Einblicke in die Managementberatung (WS22/23)👨🍳What's cooking? Founding start-ups and unicorns in real-time (WI001278)✅Work and Life Skills (SS 23) www.linkedin.com2562Apar Jainapar.jain@tum.deAlumniWhat’s cooking: Founding the next👨🎓Marcel Machauermarcel.machauer@tum.deStudent AssistantMunichwww.linkedin.comStefanie BauschStefanie.bausch@tum.deStudent👩🏻🎓Yamonpornphat Fiedler📊Predicting Venture Success🎓Benchmarking of the performance of universities for innovation, entrepreneurship and impactStart-ups: Using founders’ social networks to predict venture success🌲Help a young environmental startup move to the next S-curve: IDP, Project, or ThesisPhDs and post-docsFrankfurt⚡Michael Fröhlichfroehlich@cdtm.dePhDs and post-docsMunichwww.linkedin.comCDTM, Marsstraße 20-22. 80335 MünchenRiccarda Joas📊Predicting Venture Success🕹️Smart Office - Gamification of the workplacericcarda.joas@tum.deStart-ups: Evaluation by VCs based on machine learning algorithmsStart-ups: Foundering team dynamics based on digital communication dataStart-ups: Identify founders’ personality type from trace dataStart-ups: How to measure successStart-ups: How to measure successStart-ups: Identify founders’ personality type from trace dataStart-ups: Foundering team dynamics based on digital communication dataStart-ups: Evaluation by VCs based on machine learning algorithmsStart-ups and Impact Investing: The role of impact claimed by start-ups for the VC’s balance sheet🌐What does my written content in the web tell about my personality?PhDs and post-docsMunich🔊What’s hot, new, and true in Management: Journals, blogs, podcasts (WI001244)Christian Ziegler⛓️Blockchain - Research Groupchristian.ziegler@tum.deDApps - Build your own DApp with a cool new twistDAOs: Creating a know-it-all Database and DashboardDAOs: Visualizing Governance ProcessesBusiness Cases for Social and Community tokensNFTs for science: Exploring the potential of NFTs for research and universitiesHow to spot the next Unicorn NFTs, Tokens, Coins, DAOs, and more. Building an analysis tool.📜State of the art Dezentralized IdentifiersBlockchain Startups DatabaseNFTs for museums: Exploring the potential of NFTs for museums, art places and all kinds of collectionsSelf sovereign identityMint your minds: Build an app that allows minting anything people create📜Using blockchain technology for pseudonymization of business modelsMunichNFT: Help develop the world’s first city-NFT platformVeriDAO: Decentralized NFT Collection VerificationState of the art NFTsDAOs: Case Studies🚀DAOs: Collection of DAO Topics - Decentralized Autonomous Organizations📜State of the art Privacy CoinsDAOs: Creating a know-it-all Database and Dashboard🚀Cutting-Edge Research on Decentralized Autonomous OrganizationsDAOs: Creating Powerful Governance ProcessesDAOs: Case StudiesVeriDAO: Decentralized NFT Collection VerificationDAOs: An Investigation of Tokenomics, Emission Models and their link to successDAOs: An Empirical Assessment of Investments in Decentralized Autonomous OrganizationsDAOs: An Empirical Analysis of Business Models in Decentralized Autonomous OrganizationsDAOs: An Empirical Analysis of Governance Execution Models in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations🕹️Smart Office durch SpielifizierungDAOs: An Empirical Analysis of Treasury Diversification in Decentralized Autonomous OrganizationsDAOs: An Investigation of the primary Actors behind successful DAOs🖥️Evaluating Governance Processes of Decentralized Autonomous OrganizationsPhDs and post-docsMunich🦾Starting a cutting-edge web 3.0 business🦾Governance in Decentralized Environments: How DAOs reshape the Organizational Landscapewww.linkedin.com0505.02.560Nadja Born♀️Diversity & Women in Leadership initiativenadja.born@tum.deDiversity Tech: Using Technology for Diversity and InclusionDiversity Tech: Using Technology for Diversity and Inclusion🌈Development & Evaluation of an Automated Media Bias Check🌈#Girlboss - The (biased) portrayal of female entrepreneurs🌈De-biasing talent attraction at a DAX company🌈Seeing is believing - The effect of role models on diversity, equity, & inclusion🌈Entrepreneurial Villains - How gender stereotypes predict (un)ethical behavior in entrepreneurship💵Gender & Framing Effects on Financial Decision MakingPhDs and post-docsMunich💡Design your Life and Career (WS21/22)www.linkedin.com2558Eva📸Natural language processing of YouTube crypto influencers PhDs and post-docsSergej Lotzsergej.lotz@cdtm.deVeriDAO: Decentralized NFT Collection VerificationVeriDAO: Decentralized NFT Collection VerificationAlumniwww.linkedin.comMichael Gusenbauermichael.gusenbauer@tum.deAlumni👨🏼🎓Jai Ganesh👨🏼🦰Konstantin Palettakonstantin.paletta@googlemail.comAlumniwww.linkedin.comSimon Hochstraßersimon.hochstrasser@tum.deStudent AssistantMunichwww.linkedin.comSelina Gramesselina.grames@tum.deAlumniMunichMagdalena Sturmmagdalena.sturm@tum.deStudent AssistantMunichwww.linkedin.comJuliane Feen Strohmeyer📳 Seubertmarie.seubert@tum.deAlumniMunichwww.linkedin.comLukas Ruppertlukas.ruppert@tum.deAlumniMunichwww.linkedin.comLukas Heidegger📊Predicting Venture📄Patent your idea!? The patenting activities of German universities 🤓What’s the value of higher education?🦄The Unicorns of TUM🤯What would Munich be without the TUM?🎓Benchmarking of the performance of universities for innovation, entrepreneurship and impactAlumniInnsbruck (AT) and Munichwww.linkedin.comEva Pongraczpongracz@tum.deOffice Manager2554👨💻Paul Zimmermannpaul.c.zimmermann@tum.deAlumniViennaIsabell Welpe📊Predicting Venture SuccessLinkedIn🕹️Smart Office - Gamification of the workplacewelpe@tum.deLeadership 5.0: The Next Chapter of LeadershipDo You Have the CV of the Future?Where Will We Work?📜Risk management: How to handle disaster, achieve security, and calculate risksGrand Societal ChallengesWho Is Who in Female Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship?Disrupting the Financial and Insurance IndustryAufbau einer Plattform für AbschlussarbeitenDApps - Build your own DApp with a cool new twistMatching Plattform für Unternehmen und ForschendeDevelopment of Matchmaking Business ModelsVirtual TeamsThe Next Big Thing: What Comes after Smartphones?Who Gets Access to Venture Capital?📜“New Work” - a step into (virtual) reality for non-knowledge workersMedTech and Life Science startups: Which Firms will Disrupt the Medical Industry and be the next Unicorns?Standards for the Metaverse - How can we achieve Interoperability?Business Cases for Social and Community tokensEffective Altruism and Impact InvestingCooperation with the Indiehackers community: Empirical analysis to "Innovations in Hardware and Cloud Computing" Outsourcing Services for Entrepreneurs and startups: how can apps, tools and service companies help you along the entrepreneurial value chainWhat Makes a Great Team? Collective Intelligence in Teams📜hæppie - Business DevelopmentNFTs for science: Exploring the potential of NFTs for research and universitiesReskilling: The Future of Workplace EducationErwerb von Aktienoptionen und Startupbeteiligungen als Gründer, Board-Mitglied, Berater oder früher Angestellter in den USA und Deutschland - ein VergleichDiversity Tech: Using Technology for Diversity and InclusionHow to spot the next Unicorn NFTs, Tokens, Coins, DAOs, and more. Building an analysis tool.Cooperation with the Indiehackers community: Ideation Frameworks The Performance of SPACsPodcast Away - A Content Analysis of the Most Original and Popular PodcastsThe Personality of German Places📜State of the art Dezentralized IdentifiersPeople Analytics and HR TechBlockchain Startups DatabaseIP & IT: How to protect all kinds of IP in the digital age: services, business models and technologiesCopy of ORIGINAL: PushQuantum Disrupting Politics and Governance: Innovation for a Better Political and Economic SystemAnalysing Pain Points: What do Users complain about?Disrupting the Headhunting IndustryUnicorn Migration: Where Do Successful Entrepreneurs Come From, where Do They Go? NFTs for museums: Exploring the potential of NFTs for museums, art places and all kinds of collectionsSelf sovereign identityCustomer-centric CompaniesThe Steps You Need to Take to Become a Unicorn Founder- Analyzing the Career Paths of Successful Entrepreneurs Who is Who in Private Investors, Family Offices, and Business AngelsPain Points of Customers in Asia and the USADisrupting Journalism and PressIP protection from universities for students, professors, scientists and researchers - incentive entrepreneurshipThe future is in algorithms: Developing, controlling and owning algorithmsCreator and Ownership EconomyInnovations in Wealth ManagementAufenthaltsgenehmigungen/Resident Permits and Nationalities"What Do You Know Is True that Others Don't Agree with?": The Importance of Contrarian and Original ThinkingMint your minds: Build an app that allows minting anything people createKonkrete Tools, Konzepte und Dienstleistungen der Management- und Personalberatung📜Using blockchain technology for pseudonymization of business modelsGlobal Roaming - residence permitsMegatrends for the next decade: What technological, social, and political trends will shape the fate of companiesMunichNFT: Help develop the world’s first city-NFT platformDigital Change and TransformationWhat's cooking? Identify startups and unicorns in real timeSkin in the Game: Designing innovative incentive systems that work 📙“New Work” a step into (virtual) reality in a hybrid working environmentDo You Get Stuff Done at Home? Remote Work and ProductivityState of the art NFTsGetting stock options and start up equity as founders, advisors, consultants or early employees - a comparison of USA and GermanyIdeation Frameworks Pay Me in Bitcoin: Setting up Crypto Payment SystemsDe-Biasing with cutting-edge technologyAutomation as a service: Market screening, identification of market opportunities and make, build, developThe Next Operating SystemsNever work again? Analyse Tools to Financial Freedom and WealthRecruiting Secrets of the Most Attractive CompaniesSkills and Tools for the Creator and Ownership EconomyInnovation in Venture CapitalBlockchain in Academia🌈De-Biasing with cutting-edge technology🚀DAOs: Collection of DAO Topics - Decentralized Autonomous OrganizationsWho is Who in Diversity Entrepreneurship and Venture CapitalMeasuring Productivity and Performance of Knowledge and Creative WorkNFT & Museums:📜State of the art Privacy CoinsCooperation with the Indiehackers community: Outsourcing Services for Entrepreneurs and startups: how can apps, tools and service companies help you along the entrepreneurial value chainGoing Fully Virtual: What Will Be the Impacts of Immersive Reality on Businesses? When will we see the holodeck?Preserving Information for HumanityMobility of the Future: What is Next for the Automotive Industry?New Work: What is the Future of Work?Additive Manufacturing: How Will Production Processes Change Manufacturing?Learn 10 Times Faster with Learning Analytics: Breakthrough Innovation in EducationInnovations in Hardware and Cloud Computing Disrupting Politics and Governance: Why Transformation Needs Political Innovation📜Blockchain and Decentralized Ledger Technologies for the Automotive Industry of the future📜Risk management and leadership – a state of the artOrganizational Design and incentive systems of Digital Stars Munich's top ten - VCs / CVCs / Business Angels / Accelerators and Incubators in MunichSuccess Factors in Security Token OfferingsORIGINAL: PushQuantum Getting stock options and start up equity as founders, advisors, consultants or early employees - a comparison of USA and GermanyErwerb von Aktienoptionen und Startupbeteiligungen in den USA und Deutschland - ein VergleichDevelopment of Matchmaking Business ModelsMunich's top ten - VCs / CVCs / Business Angels / Accelerators and Incubators in MunichAutomation as a service: Market screening, identification of market opportunities and make, build, developUniversity IP-policies and entrepreneurial success Cooperation with the Indiehackers community: Outsourcing Services for Entrepreneurs and startupsCooperation with the Indiehackers community: Ideation Frameworks Cooperation with the Indiehackers community: Empirical analysis to "Innovations in Hardware and Cloud Computing" Skin in the Game: Designing innovative incentive systems that work The Performance of SPACsOrganizational Design and incentive systems of Digital Stars Global Roaming - residence permitsNFT & Museums:Ideation Frameworks Innovations in Hardware and Cloud Computing Outsourcing Services for Entrepreneurs and startupsThe Steps You Need to Take to Become a Unicorn Founder- Analyzing the Career Paths of Successful Entrepreneurs The Personality of German PlacesWho is Who in Diversity Entrepreneurship and Venture CapitalPodcast Away - A Content Analysis of the Most Original and Popular PodcastsPain Points of Customers in Asia and the USAGrand Societal ChallengesCustomer-centric CompaniesDisrupting the Headhunting IndustryPeople Analytics and HR TechInnovation in Venture CapitalDigital Change and TransformationRecruiting Secrets of the Most Attractive CompaniesWhere Will We Work?Additive Manufacturing: How Will Production Processes Change Manufacturing?Reskilling: The Future of Workplace EducationInnovations in Wealth ManagementThe Next Operating SystemsThe Next Big Thing: What Comes after Smartphones?What Makes a Great Team? Collective Intelligence in TeamsMeasuring Productivity and Performance of Knowledge and Creative WorkLearn 10 Times Faster with Learning Analytics: Breakthrough Innovation in EducationUnicorn Migration: Where Do Successful Entrepreneurs Come From, where Do They Go? Pay Me in Bitcoin: Setting up Crypto Payment Systems"What Do You Know Is True that Others Don't Agree with?": The Importance of Contrarian and Original ThinkingDisrupting Politics and Governance: Innovation for a Better Political and Economic SystemPreserving Information for HumanityEffective Altruism and Impact InvestingDisrupting Journalism and PressWho Gets Access to Venture Capital?Who Is Who in Female Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship?Diversity Tech: Using Technology for Diversity and InclusionVirtual TeamsDo You Have the CV of the Future?New Work: What is the Future of Work?Leadership 5.0: The Next Chapter of LeadershipCopy of ORIGINAL: PushQuantum Disrupting Politics and Governance: Why Transformation Needs Political InnovationDo You Get Stuff Done at Home? Remote Work and ProductivityGoing Fully Virtual: What Will Be the Impacts of Immersive Reality on Businesses? When will we see the holodeck?Analysing Pain Points: What do Users complain about?MedTech and Life Science startups: Which Firms will Disrupt the Medical Industry and be the next Unicorns?Never work again? Analyse Tools to Financial Freedom and WealthWhat's cooking? Identify startups and unicorns in real timeThe Future of Consulting FirmsWho is Who in Private Investors, Family Offices, and Business AngelsMobility of the Future: What is Next for the Automotive Industry?Disrupting the Financial and Insurance IndustryMegatrends for the next decade: What technological, social, and political trends will shape the fate of companiesORIGINAL: PushQuantum IP protection from universities for students, professors, scientists and researchers - incentive entrepreneurshipBusiness Cases for Social and Community tokensDApps - Build your own DApp with a cool new twistThe future is in algorithms: Developing, controlling and owning algorithmsIP & IT: How to protect all kinds of IP in the digital age: services, business models and technologiesCreator and Ownership EconomySkills and Tools for the Creator and Ownership EconomyAufenthaltsgenehmigungen/Resident Permits and NationalitiesKonkrete Tools, Konzepte und Dienstleistungen der Management- und Personalberatung📜Blockchain and Decentralized Ledger Technologies for the Automotive Industry of the future🌈Development & Evaluation of an Automated Media Bias Check📜Risk management and leadership – a state of the art📜Risk management: How to handle disaster, achieve security, and calculate risks📜hæppie - Business Development📙“New Work” a step into (virtual) reality in a hybrid working environment🪁Web3 success factors – different topicsChances and Risks of Cryptos (Bitcoins, …) in an industrial environment™️Employer branding for skilled workers in productionGender Neutral Bathrooms: A Case Study 📜Unternehmensnachfolge: Eine Zielgruppenanalyse von externen Unternehmensnachfolgern (Management-Buy-In-Kandidaten)🤩Bringing clients to life – Executing and developing initiatives for digital and high-touch companies in a StartupCreating a comprehensive web3 platform for universities for students, staff, researchers and teachersCorporate web3 activity attracting top talent and improving product brand?!Investigating the potential of the Metaverse for Insurers: A mixed-methods approach to identify user motives and concernsWeb3 Across Industries: Final Theses and Project Study in cooperation with Web3-Architects Help Lemio protect future generations from smartphone addictionDevelop a high-quality and user-friendly app for the innovative co-working space Patch.Work.⚧️Gender Neutral Bathrooms: A Case Study🕸️Web3 Talents: how to find them, attract them, recruit them🚀Determinance of the evaluation of leaders👑Determinance of the evaluation of leaders🌲ESG and Capital Market Requirements🏋🏼Leadership Challenges🎯Building High Performance Teams and Organizations🚀Projektstudium im PE-Umfeld: Strategische Entwicklung eines Market Places🚀Project study and IDP at start-up: YouRec💊AI for Doctors and the Medical Industry: Increasing Productivity through the Use of AI🌍The Best Education Formats in the World 🥷The Competencies of the CDTM Curriculum🚀External Thesis/Project Study / IDP👑AI and Leadership🚀Parentpreneurs: Balancing Parenthood and Entrepreneurship🌊Innovation in the Management Consulting Industry: The Pain Points of the Customers of Consultants 💻Tech-Driven Innovation in HR and Management Consulting: How to Serve Consulting Customers Better🍄Current Challenges of Human Resources Managers: What they Wish, Want, and Work on👻AI and the Consulting Industry: Increasing Productivity through the use of AI™️Transform Your Employer Brand with Data and Technology: Build an Irresistible Workplace Brand and Position Your Organization as an Employer of Choice⚖️AI for Lawyers and the Legal Industry: Increasing Productivity through the Use of AI📖AI for Administration and Desk Job Workers: Increasing Productivity through the Use of AI🥨Opportunity to Work with Bits and Pretzels Conference👩💻Building AI competence: Enhancing work performance with AI🚀acatech Maturity Models & Data Spaces📢Challenge the system: Revolutionize an existing business model🚀External Thesis/Project Study / IDP🚀External Thesis/Project Study / IDP🚀External Thesis/Project Study / IDP🚀External Thesis/Project Study / IDP🚀External Thesis/Project Study / IDP🚀External Thesis/Project Study / IDPProfessorMunich🔭Advanced Seminar: Empirical Research Methods📰Advanced Topics (MSc) Marketing, Strategy & Leadership (WI001231): Leadership and Strategy in the 21st Century💻Applied Strategy and Organization (WI001111): Corporate Strategies for Internationalization and Digital Transformation🌍Applied Strategy and Organization (WI001111): Strategy in the Global Market Place📄Doctoral Seminar🕴️Practical insights into management consulting (WIB17006)🥼Quantum Entrepreneurship Laboratory (WI001258)🦄Start-ups and unicorns coming up (WI001292)👨🍳What's cooking? Founding start-ups and unicorns in real-time (WI001278)🔊What’s hot, new, and true in Management: Journals, blogs, podcasts (WI001244)💡Design your Life and Career (SS21)💡Design your Life and Career (WS21/22)💡Praktische Einblicke in die Managementberatung (WS22/23)✅Work and Life Skills (SS 23) www.linkedin.com2550Prof. Dr. Rainer LauterbachAlumniDr. Kilian MoserAlumniChristoph Hölligchristoph.hoellig@tum.deAlumniwww.linkedin.com2556Marcus Müllermarcus.mueller@tum.deAlumniBoston USAFelix Hofmannfelix1.hofmann@tum.deAlumniDr. Wiebke Lévywiebke.levy@tum.deAlumni2553Lea-Therese Strobellea.strobel@tum.deAlumnide.linkedin.com2558Dr. Patrick Oehlerpatrick.oehler@tum.deAlumni2556Dipl.-Psych. Stefanie RingelhanAlumniDr. Eric ZimmerlingAlumniDr. Christian TheurerAlumniDr. Di QingAlumni📜Prof. Dr. Philipp SandnerWeb3 Across Industries: Final Theses and Project Study in cooperation with Web3-Architects 🕸️Web3 Talents: how to find them, attract them, recruit themAlumniDipl.-Betriebsw. Timm O. SprengerAlumniDr. Gesche Drescher (geb. Lotzkat)AlumniDr. Christoph DöbrichAlumniJeroen KlijsAlumniDr. Christoph HohenbergerAlumniMarvin Schuthmarvin.schuth@tum.deAlumniDr. Lisa Ritzenhöferl.ritzenhoefer@tum.deAlumniDr. Sebastian KobargAlumniDr. Isabelle KürschnerAlumniDr. Moker, Annaanna.moker@tum.deAlumniMaximilian EngelkenAlumniProf. Dr. Prisca BrosiAlumniProf. Dr. Marcus A. DrescherAlumniFabian StröhleAlumniwww.linkedin.comDipl.-Wi.-Inf. Frederik ZeidlerAlumniDipl.-Psych. Laura Graflaura.graf@tum.deAlumni2560Dr. Sophie Nowaksophie.moelders@tum.deAlumni2553Franziska Poszlerfranziska.poszler@tum.deAlumniwww.linkedin.com2564Franziska👨💼Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel StepkenGuest Lecturer💻Applied Strategy and Organization (WI001111): Corporate Strategies for Internationalization and Digital Transformation2554👨💼Prof. Rupert StadlerGuest Lecturer2554👨💼Dr. Ajay SinghGuest Lecturer2554👨💼Manfred GrundkeGuest Lecturer🌍Applied Strategy and Organization (WI001111): Strategy in the Global Market Place2554👨💼Dr. Sebastian BrandisGuest Lecturer2554👩💼Dr. Alexandra BorchardtGuest Lecturer📰Advanced Topics (MSc) Marketing, Strategy & Leadership (WI001231): Leadership and Strategy in the 21st Century2554👨💼Prof. Dr. Florian Bieberbachbieberbach.florian@swm.deGuest Lecturer2554👨💼Peter BauerGuest Lecturer2554Benedikt Eikmannsbenedikt.eikmanns@tum.deSuccess Factors in Security Token OfferingsPhDs and post-docsMunichde.linkedin.com2547👱♂️Nicholas📜Unternehmensnachfolge: Eine Zielgruppenanalyse von externen Unternehmensnachfolgern (Management-Buy-In-Kandidaten)👑Determinance of the evaluation of leadersAlumni2556Ann-Carolin🚀AI in customer interactionsPhDs and post-docs💡Design your Life and Career (SS21)👨🍳What's cooking? Founding start-ups and unicorns in real-time (WI001278)💡Design your Life and Career (WS21/22)✅Work and Life Skills (SS 23) www.linkedin.com2564👱♂️Benjamin Pabst von👩Lea C.👨Kai UhlemannLinkedInkai.uhlemann@tum.deAlumni👨🍳What's cooking? Founding start-ups and unicorns in real-time (WI001278)💡Design your Life and Career (SS21)💡Design your Life and Career (WS21/22)www.linkedin.comTheresa Treffers📊Predicting Venture Success🕹️Smart Office - Gamification of the🤓What’s the value of higher education?📄Patent your idea!? The patenting activities of German universities 🦄The Unicorns of TUM🤯What would Munich be without the TUM?🎓Benchmarking of the performance of universities for innovation, entrepreneurship and impact🚀Matching investors with tech startups - the change of selection criteria (with Deloitte)👫Predicting startup success in on-site study based on psychological factors👩Female Founders - How universities foster women entrepreneurship⭐The answer is in the stars! - Predicting firm financial performance from CEO personality traitsForschungsgruppenleiter-/in🔭Advanced Seminar: Empirical Research Methods🥼Quantum Entrepreneurship Laboratory (WI001258)💡Design your Life and Career (SS21)💡Design your Life and Career (WS21/22)📃Thesis Seminarwww.linkedin.com2562Dr. Ilse HagererPlayMINT, MINT@Workilse.hagerer@tum.deBuilding Innovation Hubs: Development of an Innovation Toolbox for Municipalities🎓State of the Art Diversity and Artificial IntelligenceBuilding Innovation Hubs: Development of an Innovation Toolbox for Municipalities🎓State of the Art Diversity and Artificial IntelligenceAlumniMunich💻Applied Strategy and Organization (WI001111): Corporate Strategies for Internationalization and Digital Transformation🌍Applied Strategy and Organization (WI001111): Strategy in the Global Market Place🕴️Practical insights into management consulting (WIB17006)💡Design your Life and Career (SS21)💡Design your Life and Career (WS21/22)www.linkedin.com2562👩Esther Ostmeierostmeier.esther@tum.deAlumni308Pascal Mehrwald📳🕹️Smart Office durch SpielifizierungBlockchain-based Storage SolutionsWrite Your Thesis with a Blockchain Startup - As A Business Person!😎Work with a startup: Shape the future of 3D content for XR (AR/VR/MR)Work on cutting edge technology to disrupt the way premium content is distributed & consumed in the podcasting industry.Intelligence on Brands in the NFT space: Web3 Analyst with moonblock - Project Study or Final ThesisAlumniMunich👨🍳What's cooking? Founding start-ups and unicorns in real-time (WI001278)🔊What’s hot, new, and true in Management: Journals, blogs, podcasts (WI001244)💡Design your Life and Career (WS21/22)🦾Starting a cutting-edge web 3.0 business🦾Governance in Decentralized Environments: How DAOs reshape the Organizational Landscape💢Creator & Ownership Economy (WS 22/23) www.linkedin.com2564