Project Studies
📌 Key facts
💡 Background
While urban areas such as Berlin, Hamburg and Munich offer good services and attractive living conditions - from public transport, medical care, shopping opportunities, cultural offerings, schools, study and workplaces to nursing homes - rural regions and communities often offer incomparably less. Accordingly, rural areas are often perceived as less attractive and suffer in part from population out-migration and the associated dismantling of infrastructure. Yet a variety of ideas and best practice examples show that rural regions and communities can indeed be innovative and attractive (see e.g. BMUB, 2017). As a university, we would like to give something back to rural regions and communities. Within the scope of the project study, a toolbox for community representatives (mayors, etc.) is to be created, which shows which innovative approaches are currently being tried out and lived worldwide in order to make rural regions more attractive, innovative and sustainable.
The project study builds on existing preliminary work (systematic research and classification of best practice examples). These are to be expanded and prepared on a website. The link to the website will then be sent to all mayors in Bavaria to give them innovative ideas. This is real research with with impact!
🦾Who We Are
The Chair for Strategy and Organization is focused on doing research with impact. This means we do not want to repeat old ideas and base our research solely on the research people did 10 years ago. Instead, we currently research topics that will shape the future. Topics such as Agile Organizations and Digital Disruption, Blockchain Technology, Creativity and Innovation, Digital Transformation and Business Model Innovation, Diversity, Education: Education Technology and Performance Management, HRTech, Leadership and Teams. We are always early in noticing trends, technologies, strategies and organizations that shape the future, which has its ups and downs.
🎯 Goals
- Desk research and possibly conducting field studies
- Design of a website (toolbox format) for community representatives (mayors, etc.) (no limits to coding and web development skills)
- Addressing community representatives
🎓 Profile
- Reliable, self-driven, organized
- Interested in innovation / politics / urban-rural dynamics / entrepreneurship
- Interested in presenting your findings, e.g.
📚 Further Reading
📄 Requirements to any Work
We do not want your research to gather dust in some corner of a bookshelf but make it accessible to the world. Thus, we warmly encourage you to create some or all of the following:
- Infographic - visually represent some of your work (find examples here)
- Slide Deck - summarize your research and possibly present it
- Extract most important sequences from podcasts, videos, and other media
- 3-4 Tweets about the most important findings and summarizing the topic
- optional: Medium Article - let people outside university know about your research and start your personal brand
📬 How to Apply
If you are interested, please send your application with a short motivational statement, your current grade sheet, CV, and possible starting date to Ilse Hagerer.
We're greatly looking forward to hearing more about you!