(This Page is only rarely updated. Most up to date version https://ziegler.dev/)
Dr. Christian Ziegler is the Chief Technology Officer of StableLab, analyzing Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. Prevously, he worked as researcher at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), where he wrote his doctoral thesis on Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. In 2018, he co-founded Blockcurators GmbH, which specializes in social wallets and social media marketing scaling to 60k MAU, single-handedly developing the software, before EOL. His previous peer-reviewed published scientific research includes a A Taxonomy of DAOs, scoring methodologies for DAOs, a network analysis of DAOS, a classification of DAO proposals using LLMs, a token based communication system, and a research agenda for DAOs.
Research Interests
- Decentralized Autonomous Organizations
- Blockchain & Web3
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Ziegler, Christian and Welpe, Isabell M., "A Taxonomy of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations" (2022). ICIS 2022 Proceedings. 1. https://aisel.aisnet.org/icis2022/blockchain/blockchain/1 (VHB, A)
- Ziegler, Christian, and Syeda Rabab Zehra. "Decoding Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: A Content Analysis Approach to Understanding Scoring Platforms." Journal of Risk and Financial Management 16.7 (2023): 330. https://doi.org/10.3390/jrfm16070330 (B-)
- M. Lamby, V. Zieglmeier, and C. Ziegler, "Trusting a Smart Contract Means Trusting its Owners: Understanding Centralization Risk," 2023 5th Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS), Paris, France, 2023, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/BRAINS59668.2023.10316813. (Unrated)
- Pytel, N*., Ziegler*, C., & Winkelmann, A. (2024). From Dissonance to Dialogue: A Token-Based Approach to Bridge the Gap Between Manufacturers and Customers. ACM Trans. Manage. Inf. Syst.. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3639058 (VHB, B)
- Ziegler, Christian; Praski, Marcin; Fadeev, Dmitry; Wagner, Thomas; and Matout, Hassan, "A Network Analysis of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations" (2024). ECIS 2024 Proceedings. 8. https://aisel.aisnet.org/ecis2024/track16_fintech/track16_fintech/8 (VHB, B)
- Christian Ziegler, Marcos Miranda, Guangye Cao, Gustav Arentoft, & Doo Wan Nam. (2024). “Classifying Proposals of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations Using Large Language Models”. DAWO24 Proceedings Dawo/2024/01, Winterthur. doi: arXiv:2401.07059 (Unrated)
* Both authors contributed equally to this research.
- Ziegler, Christian, and DuPont, Quinn. (2023). Navigating the Research Landscape of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: A Research Note and Agenda. doi: arXiv:2312.17197
Further Publications
- Welpe, Isabell. M. Ziegler, Christian. “Web3: Wie Ihre Organisation in 10 Jahren aussehen wird - wenn es sie dann noch gibt.” (2022). IM. Die Fachzeitschrift für Information Management und Consulting. Saarbrücken, August-Wilhelm Scheer Institut Digital Research. Heft 02
- Applied Strategy and Organization (SS23, WS22/23, SS23; Administration)
- Starting a cutting-edge web3 business: Trends in web3, sustainable decentralized business models (SS22)
- Governance in Decentralized Environments: How DAOs reshape the Organizational Landscape (WS22/23)
- Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, Web3, Blockchain and the Metaverse (SS23)
- UPCOMING: Leading the Decentralized Revolution: Decentralized Autonomous Organizations in Practice (WS24/25)
- Holds a Master of Science in Informatics from TUM and enjoys technology deep dives
- Co-Founder of the PretzelDAO, Organizer of EthMunich
- Alumni of START Munich and very well connected in the Munich startup space
- Co-Founder and CTO Blockcurators GmbH developing CoinKit and Cashrain
- Enjoys (Defi-)Games, Bouldering, Skiing and Conferences in his freetime
Selected Talks
- Global DeFi Conference - Blockchainification of Fortune 500s - How incumbent firms need to adapt their business, online (28.03.2022, recording)
- muc.xyz - What makes a DAO a DAO, Munich (28.05.2022, recording)
- Behavioral & Empirical Work in Progress | BEWIP Seminar - “A Taxonomy of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations - Research insights”, Munich (28.06.2022)
- Bluezone Campus - Metaverse, NFTs and more, Munich (30.08.2022)
- UCL CBT Open Seminars - A Taxonomy of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations and an Analysis of their Success Factors, online (29.09.2022, recording)
- Blockchain Bundesverband “Bundesblock” Arbeitsgruppe DAO - A Taxonomy of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, online (18.10.2022)
- International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) - A Taxonomy of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, Copenhagen (14.12.2022, online recording, onsite no recording)
- UCL Center for Blockchain Technologies - Call for Proposals 2022 Awards Showcase - A Taxonomy of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations and an Analysis of their Success Factors, London (13.02.2023, recording, website)
- TUM Blockchain Salon - Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, Munich TUM IAS (12.05.2023, website)
- European DAO Workshop 2024 (DAWO24) - “Classifying Proposals of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations Using Large Language Models”, Winterthur (04.07.2023, Website)
Selected Completed Student Projects
- How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations Disrupt Traditional Organizations - A Quantitative Study (Master’s Thesis of Renzhi Liu)
- How to Spot the Next Unicorn NFTs, Tokens, Coins, DAOs, and More. (IDP, Simon Schnückel & Simon Berger)
- An Empirical Assessment of DAOs to Determine Their Most Important Features (Master’s Thesis of Ahmed Blej)
- An Empirical Analysis of Business Models in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (Master’s Thesis of Laxman Bhusal)
- An Empirical Analysis of Investments in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (Master’s Thesis of Shivani Verma)
- The Potential Impact of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations on the Biotech Ecosystem (Master’s Thesis of Konstantin Amm)
Selected Conference and Hackathon Attendance
- EthAmsterdam, Amsterdam, 22-24. April 2022
- Global DeFi Conference, Online, 28. April 2022
- DLD22, Munich 22, 20-22. May 2022
- muc.xyz, Munich, 27-28. May 2022
- Private Capital in Blockchain, Heilbronn, 13. July 2022
- EthCC [5], Paris, 19-21. July 2022
- Bluezone Campus, Munich, 30. Aug. 2022
- Crypto Assets Conference, Frankfurt, 18-19. Oct. 2022
- International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Copenhagen, 9-14. Dec. 2022
- Algorand ACE Conference, Barcelona, 10-12. Jan. 2023
- Crypto Assets Conference, Frankfurt, 29-30. March 2023
- TUM Blockchain Salon, Munich, 11-12. Mai 2023
- EthCC[6], Paris, 17-20. July 2023
- EthMunich, Munich, 11-13. August 2023
- EthBerlin, Berlin, 24-26. May 2024
- ECIS 2024, Cyprus, 13-19. June 2024
- DAWO24, Winterhur, 4-5. July 2024
- EthCC[7], Brüssel, 8-11. July 2024
- DEVCON, Bangkok, 12-15. Nov 2024