GeneralHave a holding placeđ¤Have a holding placeGmbH vs. UG - What to found?đGmbH vs. UG - What to found?How to make it officialđHow to make it officialWhen should you raise money?đ°When should you raise money?Damn you will need some bookkeepingđ§ŽDamn you will need some bookkeepingInsolveny delicts - Where it gets real dangerous đ§đģââī¸Insolveny delicts - Where it gets real dangerous VC SpecificsVC TermsđVC TermsDeath by termsheetđDeath by termsheetTalking to VCs đĨˇđģTalking to VCs The SaaS Napkinđī¸The SaaS NapkinStructure of a pitch deckđ¤žđŧââī¸Structure of a pitch deckSome Munich Related VCsđšī¸Some Munich Related VCs