A little story…
Think about New Years resolutions or simply about moments where you wanted to change your behavior. Maybe you promised yourself to quit smoking, start jogging, or save a few thousand dollars in the coming year. You probably started the “project” full of confidence and enthusiasm. Maybe you even made a plan which required you to go for a run 5 times a week. However, the new behaviors didn't really stick. Gradually, your enthusiasm waned. You failed once, then twice, and soon enough, you completely stopped trying. Unfortunately, that's the case with many New Year's resolutions, but also the goals & attempts for change in everyday life: being more productive, procrastinating less, meditating, reading books. Deciding to read more books doesn't necessarily mean that after a stressful day at work, you'll open a book for relaxation instead of spending the evening watching Netflix or using your phone.
A study by Wendy Wood found out, that almost half of our daily behaviors, 43%, are driven by our habits. This means that we act automatically for almost half of our lives instead of out of choice.
Before blaming your conscious self, you should question your habits. Click here for a practical analysis of your current habits.
(Wood, 2019)
The “Compounding Effect” of our habits
Key Takeaways
- Do not neglect the compounding effect of habits and the potential long-term consequences they can bring
- No matter how insignificant or inconsequential a habit may seem right now, over time, these habits can accumulate in either positive or negative results.
- Hence, prioritize the cultivation of positive habits to shape a beneficial future for yourself.
- Further note the power of 1% improvements everyday. 1% change everyday, positive or negative, can lead to remarkable or devastative results in the future - if you aim to learn a new skill for example, note that success comes from small steps instead of massive actions.
(Clear, 2019; Olson, 2016)
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