📌 Key facts
- When: Start anytime. Applications are open!
- How to apply: Send us an e-mail isabel.tretow@tum.de with your CV and a grade report.
💡 Background
Acquiring sufficient financial resources is of particular relevance for new ventures as this may decide upon a venture’s emergence or failure. Still, entrepreneurs need to overcome information asymmetries with investors to attract the respective resource. To do so, they rely on different types of signals.
Extensive research focused on identifying different signals (such as human capital, social capital, intellectual capital) relevant for financial resource acquisition (e.g., Ahlers et al., 2015; Unger et al., 2011). This study goes further and wants to explore the current state of research on signals used in new ventures in two directions:
a) How does the importance of signals varies over different funding rounds? (Co & McKelvie, 2019)
b) Which signals are relevant to which investor types?
The study is intended as a systematic literature review.
🦾Who We Are
The Chair for Strategy and Organization is focused on research with impact. This means we do not want to repeat old ideas and base our research solely on the research people did 10 years ago. Instead, we currently research topics that will shape the future. Topics such as Agile Organisations and Digital Disruption, Blockchain Technology, Creativity and Innovation, Digital Transformation and Business Model Innovation, Diversity, Education: Education Technology and Performance Management, HRTech, Leadership, and Teams.. We are always early in noticing trends, technologies, strategies, and organisations that shape the future, which has its ups and downs.
🎓 Profile
- Interest in entrepreneurship, drivers of new venture success
- Organizational skills and proactive communication
- Reliable and self-driven working style
📚 Further Reading
Ahlers, G. K., Cumming, D., Günther, C., & Schweizer, D. (2015). Signaling in equity crowdfunding. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 39(4), 955-980. Ko, E. J., & McKelvie, A. (2018). Signaling for more money: The roles of founders' human capital and investor prominence in resource acquisition across different stages of firm development. Journal of Business Venturing, 33(4), 438-454.
Unger, J. M., Rauch, A., Frese, M., & Rosenbusch, N. (2011). Human capital and entrepreneurial success: A meta-analytical review. Journal of business venturing, 26(3), 341-358.
📝 How to Apply
If you are interested, please contact Isabel.Tretow@tum.de by submitting your CV and grade report. Please also briefly outline your tentative research idea (research question, data and methods, possible outcomes with a tentative outline all in word as *.docx)
We're greatly looking forward to hearing more about you!
📬 Contact
Put your contact information here.
Isabel Tretow (Chair for Strategy and Organization)