What are the career paths?‣There is not the ONE “perfect way” for everyone‣The paths to success aka the “third door” (Banayan, A. (2021). Das Tor zum Erfolg)‣What if I choose the wrong way? (Berentzen, M. (2019). Sie sind im falschen Job gefangen? Das können sie tun.)How do I become successful in my career?‣Work Smarter not harder‣Becoming successful with soft skills How do I make important decisions?Available at https://lifeaccordingtojae.com/decision-making-quotes-to-read-right-now-50/‣Why some decisions are harder than others ‣How to make Decisions (Rothmann, J. (2019). The Art of Decision-Making.)‣Tools for Decision making‣How to deal with uncertainty (American Psychological Association (2017). 10 Tips for dealing with the stress of uncertainty.)