- Told she would never be a coach. She does not has it
- First she agreed. She thought she would be not worth it. → Confidence was broken
- After some time, these words had less and less power. → Remembered supporting words
- She became resilient, she knew she could do it. Applied → Now she is doing it
- Genuine believe in abilities plays key role - Believe in success is called self-efficacy (s.e.)
- Low level of s.e. → Give up quickly. Don't believe they will be successful
- High level of s.e. → Motivation to do it
- Fuel that drives change → Thats why it madders
- Get more of that: 4 sources
- Experience success (nothing creates more s.e. than having mastery) → Break it down in small achievable steps, See others succeed (keep going by those around me, keep doing one food after the other, support group) → Group coaching and positive response, receiving encouragement (we treat it as expensive commodity, but this is false, it is free. You should do it regularly) → Knowing that decisions, effort, choices are being seen and appreciated is good for progress and challenges, Managing negative emotions (Test anxiety gets interpreted as meaning you have to fail) → Manage your emotions to keep your brain big
- Overcome fear through these 4 keys
- Henry Ford: Wether you believe you can and you can not, you are right!