The way we work is changing constantly. Developments like digitalization allow companies to build their workforce without them having to live in the same city, country or even continent. This gives more and more power to every worker and allows everbody to work autonomously, even entrepreneurially. Therefore Amway and Prof. Dr. Isabell M. Welpe from the Chair of Strategy and Organisation of the TU Munich have continued their partnership to conduct a representative survey in 44 countries all across the globe. Together we are interested in finding out more about people’s attitudes towards self-employment and related topics like the entrepreneurial spirit.
The survey was conducted in 44 countries by the market research institution GfK (Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung) Nuremberg. From May to August 2015, 49,775 respondents between the ages of 14 and 99 were interviewed (CAPI, CATI).
Prof. Dr. Isabell M. Welpe from the Chair of Strategy and Organization is the scientific leader of the Amway Global Entrepreneurship Report. This year, the report has expanded the international scientific network of entrepreneurship researchers contributing their scientific know-how to the interpretation of the survey results to all 44 participating countries.

“The Amway Global Entrepreneurship Report 2015 provides a deep insight in the current situation of entrepreneurship for 44 countries around the world. It shows how people around the world think about entrepreneurs and – with the newly introduced Amway Entrepreneurial Spirit Index – how they feel about becoming an entrepreneur themselves. Together with a network of entrepreneurship researchers from every participating country it is a great honor to me to contribute to the report and provide insights into the situation of entrepreneurship.”
Prof. Dr. Isabell M. Welpe, Technische Universität München
Amway is a family owned company and one of the world’s leading consumer goods companies, actively supporting the entrepreneurial spirit all over the globe. Amway has been collecting and analyzing data in relation to entrepreneurship on a regular basis since 2008. After the first launch of the Amway Global Entrepreneurship Report by conducting the survey in 24 international countries in 2013, this year the survey was extended to 44 countries worldwide.

“For the first time, the Amway Global Entrepreneurship Report 2015 allows us to evaluate the strenghts and weaknesses of the entrepreneurial spirit in the participating countries. This helps us to gain insight, in which areas countries can learn from each other in order to make entrepreneurship flourish. With that we can intensify the discorse about the cause of entrepreneuership and further initiate discussions on how successful current programs for promoting entrepreneurship are – and if public, media, and politics understood the necessity of a positive entrepreneurial spirit within each country.”
Michael Meissner, Vice President Corporate Affairs, Amway Europe
Entrepreneurial Spirit As Foundation Of A Positive Entrepreneurial Culture
Last year’s Amway Global Entrepreneurship Report looked into how entrepreneurship education is perceived, estimated and used by people all over the world. It again showed that most people around the world are very positive towards entrepreneurship and that a steadily growing number of people can imagine starting their own businesses. In contrast, the number of people who become entrepreneurs is relatively low in relation to the positive attitude.
As entrepreneurship is determined by a structural framework, as well as a cultural framework, AGER 2015 is looking for an explanation for the gap between potentially and acutally self-employed people by looking into the entrepreneurial spirit, which is measured by the newly introduced Amway Entrepreneurial Spirit Index, based on the “Theory of Planned Behaviour” by Icek Ajzen.
- Amway Global Entrepreneurship Report 2015 (online version)
- Amway Global Entrepreneurship Report 2015 (print version)
- Amway Global Entrepreneurship Report 2014
- Video: Advancing Entrepreneurship Education
- Amway Global Entrepreneurship Report 2013
Video: Advancing Entrepreneurship Education
PressAdvisory Board 2015Advisory Board 2014Advisory Board 2013