The 106 year old entrepreneur 🧓👴🏻
Have a look at my favorite definition of what an entrepreneur is:
A 106-year old couple! They're curious and constantly learning, questioning, overcoming setbacks, challenging the status quo and constantly leaving their comfort zone. It really doesn’t take more.
According to 📘
A person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.
Entrepreneurs are often the odd one out 🤡
So who's starting these companies? It's these random few people. Even in popular literature, the only book I've ever found -- and this should be on all your reading lists -- the only book I've ever found that makes the entrepreneur a hero is "Atlas Shrugged." Everything else in the world looks at entrepreneurs and says we're bad people. I look at even my family. Both my grandfathers and my dad were entrepreneurs. My brother, sister and I, all three of us own companies as well. We all decided to start these things because it's the only place we fit. We didn't fit in normal work; we couldn't work for somebody else, we're stubborn and we have all these other traits. Do you know that bipolar disorder is nicknamed the CEO disease? Ted Turner's got it. Steve Jobs has it. All three of the founders of Netscape had it. I could go on and on. Kids -- you can see these signs in kids. And we're giving them Ritalin and saying, "Don't be an entrepreneurial type. Fit into this other system and try to become a student." - Cameron Herold
Are you a cheater or did you just figure out the rules? ♣️
Sorry, entrepreneurs aren't students. We fast-track. We figure out the game. I stole essays. I cheated on exams. I hired kids to do my accounting assignments in university for 13 consecutive assignments. But as an entrepreneur, you don't do accounting, you hire accountants. I just figured that out earlier. - Cameron Herold