Auch wenn so mancher nicht seine Anteilnahme ausgesprochen hatte, bekam ich doch manchmal Nachrichten, die zwar nett gemeint waren aber letztendlich nicht den Sinn helfender Anteilnahme erfüllten.
"No one likes hospitals, no one unless perhaps you are visiting a new baby. Do it anyway."
“Even if I did, you should always call, write, email, or text.”
“Yes. Yes, you could. You just do. And you would. Don’t further isolate me with your own projecting.”
Kleine Helfer
It’s not about you!
➡️ Their grief is different from yours.
There is no bright side!
➡️ Don’t force them to look at the positive when they’re feeling terrible.
Be careful with religion!
➡️ Offering your beliefs about God and heaven to a nonreligious person can land with a thud.
Let them feel!
➡️ Don’t tell a grieving person how to feel. They may need to be vulnerable.
Source of content: What to Say and What Not to Say
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Dritter Schritt: Das Konzept "Closure"