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Deutsche Zusammenfassung
Six Principles of Persuasion
- Reciprocity (Reziprozität/Gegenseitigkeit)
obligation to give when you receive "wie man in den Wald ruft, so kommt es wieder heraus"
- Scarcity (Knappheit/Angst nichts mehr zu bekommen)
people want more of those things there are less of - Authority
people will follow credible knowledgeable experts - Consistency & Commitment
looking for and asking for commitments that can be made - Liking (Sympathie)
People sagen eher "Ja" zu Leuten, die sie mögen
6. Consensus (quasi Social proof)
People will look to the action and behaviors of others to determine their own 7. Social Proof
das was viele andere tun, muss ja ganz gut sein, sonst würden es nicht so viele machen