→ Scholars
Betreff: Invitation to give a keynote at the German Venture Conference 2022
Dear Drs. Gottman, dear team of the Gottman Institute, dear Mrs. Reynolds,
I am reaching out as Professor at the Chair for Strategy and Organization at the Technische Universität München in Germany.
Our inquiry
We are in the process of organizing a top-class, international conference on “Predicting Venture Success” with scholars, investors, and startups. We would consider it an extraordinarily valuable contribution to embed a presentation of your research as part of the conference agenda. Would you be interested to participate as keynote speaker?
Why you would be the perfect keynote
We are very impressed by your outstanding work on marital stability and divorce prediction conducted by Dr. Gottman and Dr. Levenson in the ‘80s up to the beginning of the 21st century (e.g., “Physiological and affective predictors of change in relationship satisfaction” or “Marital processes predictive of later dissolution: Behavior, physiology, and health” published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1985 and 1992 respectively). We are very interested in your research because we assume, that your approach and findings could be transferred to the relationship of co-founders in new ventures, which we have started to examine empirically.
Background of our research
New ventures are the engine of every economy and an important source for innovation and national growth, however like marriages not all of them endure. One of the main reasons new ventures fall apart, is attributable to malfunctioning founding teams. With our research we seek to predict the success of new ventures by collecting, integrating, and analyzing innovative data sources.
Keynote details
As we see parallels in research, it would be an honour to welcome you or a representative of the Gottman Institute as keynote speaker at our conference. The event is planned for 14th or 21st of July 2022 and will be on-campus in Germany, however – if more convenient – a digital participation or even a recording of your keynote is possible. The final format of the event is dependent on the pandemic situation. Compensation for your keynote is possible.
Participation benefits
Known VCs, unicorns and scholars will be invited to participate in the conference. For scholars the conference offers an opportunity to connect with other top scholars and discuss their cutting-edge research on topics like venture success, team dynamics, or investors biases. From a practitioner perspective, the conference provides the newest insights in current research and the chance to connect with scholars, startups, and investors. The conference will also be accompanied by a large press release as well as social media coverage.
We would be delighted if this invitation meets your interest. Going forward, we would also be open to elaborate on joint research projects or publications. In case you are unable to attend but know of a colleague who could present your field of study, we welcome you to refer her or him to us.
Kind regards
Isabell Welpe
Robert Levenson
Dear Prof. Levenson,
I am reaching out as Professor at the Chair for Strategy and Organization at the Technische Universität München in Germany.
Our inquiry
We are in the process of organizing a top-class, international academic conference on “Predicting Venture Success” with scholars, investors, and startups. We would consider it an extraordinarily valuable contribution to embed a presentation of your research as part of the conference agenda. Would you be interested to participate as keynote speaker?
Why you would be the perfect keynote
We are very impressed by your outstanding work on marital stability and divorce prediction conducted by you and Dr. Gottman in the ‘80s up to the beginning of the 21st century (e.g., “Physiological and affective predictors of change in relationship satisfaction” or “Marital processes predictive of later dissolution: Behavior, physiology, and health” published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1985 and 1992 respectively). We are very interested in your research because we assume, that your approach and findings could be transferred to the relationship of co-founders in new ventures, which we have started to examine empirically.
Background of our research
New ventures are the engine of every economy and an important source for innovation, however like marriages not all of them endure. One of the main reasons new ventures fall apart, is attributable to malfunctioning founding teams. With our research we seek to predict the success of new ventures by collecting, integrating, and analyzing innovative data sources.
Keynote details
As we see parallels in research, it would be an honour to welcome you as keynote speaker at the conference. The event is planned for 14th or 21st of July 2022 and will be on-campus in Germany, however – if more convenient – a digital participation or even a recording of your keynote is possible. The final format of the event is dependent on the pandemic situation. Compensation for your keynote is possible.
Participation benefits
Known VCs, unicorns and scholars will be invited to participate in the conference. For scholars the conference offers an opportunity to connect with other top scholars and discuss their cutting-edge research on topics like venture success, team dynamics, or investors biases. From a practitioner perspective, the conference provides the newest insights in current research and the chance to connect with scholars, startups, and investors. The conference will also be accompanied by a large press release as well as social media coverage.
We would be delighted if this invitation meets you interest. Going forward, we would also be open to elaborate on joint research or publications. In case you are unable to attend but know of a colleague who could present your field of study, we welcome you to refer her or him to us.
Kind regards
Isabell Welpe
Paul Gompers
Dear Prof. Gompers,
I am reaching out as Professor at the Chair for Strategy and Organization at the Technische Universität München in Germany.
Our inquiry
We are in the process of organizing a top-class, international academic conference on “Predicting Venture Success” with scholars, investors, and startups. We would consider it an extraordinarily valuable contribution to embed a presentation of your research as part of the conference agenda. Would you be interested to participate as keynote speaker?
Why you would be the perfect keynote
We have been impressed by your outstanding work on venture capitalists, their decision making and the necessity for diversity (e.g., "And the Children Shall Lead: Gender Diversity and Performance in Venture Capital." or "How Do Venture Capitalists Make Decisions?", published in the Journal of Financial Economics in 2021 and 2020, respectively). We regard your research as particularly relevant, as it focuses on the mindset of investors and its limitations. A factor that would be influenced by possibilities to predict venture success from data - an area we are targeting with our research.
Background of our research
New ventures are the engine of every economy and an important source for innovation, however not all of them endure. One of the main reasons new ventures fall apart, is attributable to malfunctioning founding teams. With our research we seek to predict the success of new ventures by collecting, integrating, and analyzing innovative data sources.
Keynote details
As we see synergies in research, it would be an honour to welcome you as keynote speaker at the conference. The event is planned for 14th or 21st of July 2022 and will be on-campus in Germany, however – if more convenient – a digital participation or even a recording of your keynote is possible. The final format of the event is dependent on the pandemic situation. Compensation for your keynote is possible.
Participation benefits
Known VCs, unicorns and scholars will be invited to participate in the conference. For scholars the conference offers an opportunity to connect with other top scholars and discuss their cutting-edge research on topics like venture success, team dynamics, or investors biases. From a practitioner perspective, the conference provides the newest insights in current research and the chance to connect with scholars, startups, and investors. The conference will also be accompanied by a large press release as well as social media coverage.
We would be delighted if this invitation meets you interest. Going forward, we would also be open to elaborate on joint research or publications. In case you are unable to attend but know of a colleague who could present your field of study, we welcome you to refer her or him to us.
Kind regards
Isabell Welpe
Thomas Hellmann
Dear Prof. Hellmann,
I am reaching out as Professor at the Chair for Strategy and Organization at the Technische Universität München in Germany.
Our inquiry
We are in the process of organizing a top-class, international academic conference on “Predicting Venture Success” with scholars, investors, and startups. We would consider it an extraordinarily valuable contribution to embed a presentation of your research as part of the conference agenda. Would you be interested to participate as keynote speaker?
Why you would be the perfect keynote
We have been impressed by your outstanding work, in particular on entrepreneurial ecosystems (e.g., “Fostering Entrepreneurship: Promoting Founding or Funding?” published in the Management Science Journal, 2019 or “Catalysing entrepreneurship in and around universities” published in the Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2018). We regard your research as particularly relevant, as it focuses on the external environment (i.e., ecosystem), but likewise on internal team dynamics (e.g., ownership dynamics). We perceive both aspects as influential factors of venture success - one core element of our current research.
Background of our research
New ventures are the engine of every economy and an important source for innovation, however not all of them endure. One of the main reasons new ventures fall apart, is attributable to malfunctioning founding teams. With our research we seek to predict the success of new ventures by collecting, integrating, and analyzing innovative data sources.
Keynote details
As we see synergies in research, it would be an honour to welcome you as keynote speaker at the conference. The event is planned for 14th or 21st of July 2022 and will be on-campus in Germany, however – if more convenient – a digital participation or even a recording of your keynote is possible. The final format of the event is dependent on the pandemic situation. Compensation for your keynote is possible.
Participation benefits
Known VCs, unicorns and scholars will be invited to participate in the conference. For scholars the conference offers an opportunity to connect with other top scholars and discuss their cutting-edge research on topics like venture success, team dynamics, or investors biases. From a practitioner perspective, the conference provides the newest insights in current research and the chance to connect with scholars, startups, and investors. The conference will also be accompanied by a large press release as well as social media coverage.
We would be delighted if this invitation meets you interest. Going forward, we would also be open to elaborate on joint research or publications. In case you are unable to attend but know of a colleague who could present your field of study, we welcome you to refer her or him to us.
Kind regards
Isabell Welpe
—> Investors
Ali Tamaseb
Dear Mr. Tamaseb,
I am reaching out as Professor at the Chair for Strategy and Organization at the Technische Universität München in Germany.
Our inquiry
We are in the process of organizing a top-class, international academic conference on “Predicting Venture Success” with scholars, investors, and startups. We would consider it an extraordinarily valuable contribution to include insights from your book “Super Founders” and your day-to-day life as investors as part of the conference agenda. Would you be interested to participate as keynote speaker?
Why you would be the perfect keynote
We have been impressed by your dedication to manually collect the dataset on startups, which served as the base for your book “Super Founders”. The findings you distilled are an important antagonist to prevalent believes and misconceptions that patterns for venture success exist. Our current research is targeting a similar direction.
Background of our research
New ventures are the engine of every economy and an important source for innovation, however not all of them endure. One of the main reasons new ventures fall apart, is attributable to malfunctioning founding teams. With our research we seek to predict the success of new ventures by collecting, integrating, and analyzing innovative data sources.
Keynote details
As we see your work as practitioner-focused equivalent of our current research, it would be an honour to welcome you as keynote speaker at the conference. The event is planned for 14th or 21st of July 2022 and will be on-campus in Germany, however – if more convenient – a digital participation or even a recording of your keynote is possible. The final format of the event is dependent on the pandemic situation. Compensation for your keynote is possible.
Participation benefits
Known VCs, unicorns and scholars will be invited to participate in the conference. For scholars the conference offers an opportunity to connect with other top scholars and discuss their cutting-edge research on topics like venture success, team dynamics, or investors biases. From a practitioner perspective, the conference provides the newest insights in current research and the chance to connect with scholars, startups, and investors. The conference will also be accompanied by a large press release as well as social media coverage.
We would be delighted if this invitation meets you interest.
Kind regards
Isabell Welpe
Frank Thelen (via Anfrage an Lena Heßbrügge lena@frank.io)
Sehr geehrte Frau Heßbrügge,
Ich kontaktiere Sie als Professorin des Lehrstuhls für Strategie und Organisation an der Technischen Universität München.
Unsere Anfrage
Wir befinden uns derzeit im Prozess eine hochkarätige, international wissenschaftliche Konferenz zum Thema “Predicting Venture Success” mit Akademikern, Investoren und Start-ups zu organisieren. Wir würden gerne Frank Thelen als Keynote Speaker hierzu einladen. Könnten Sie uns Auskunft darüber geben, ob Herr Thelen - vor dem unten geschilderten Hintergrund - Interesse hat teilzunehmen und auf welche Höhe sich die Gebühren belaufen würden?
Hintergrund zur Konferenz und Forschung
Neugründungen sind der Motor jeder Volkswirtschaft und eine wichtige Quelle von Innovation. Dennoch scheitert die Mehrheit von Start-ups. Ein Hauptgrund hierfür sind unter anderem nicht funktionierende Gründerteams. Mit unserer Forschung zielen wir darauf ab, den Erfolg von Start-up vorherzusagen. Unsere Studien basieren hierbei auf eine umfangreichen Datenbasis an deutschen Start-ups, welche mit Hilfe von Code auf Zusammenhänge ausgewertet werden. Die Konferenz umfasst des Weiteren den Themenkontext: Digitale Transformation, Familiengeführte Unternehmen sowie Machine Learning Algorithmen bei VCs.
Warum Sie ein perfekter Keynote Speaker wären
Herr Thelen und Freigeist Capital befinden sich in unseren Augen an der optimalen Schnittstelle. Als ehemaliger Gründer, sowie jetziger Investor in Deep-Tech Start-ups sind wir sicher, seine Keynote wäre ein bereichernder Einblick aus der Praxis für das Publikum.
Keynote Details
Das Event ist für den 14. oder 21. Juli 2022 geplant. Es wird auf dem TUM Campus in Heilbronn, Deutschland stattfinden. Eine digitale Teilnahme ist ebenfalls möglich. Das finale Format des Events wird abhängig von der pandemischen Lage sein. Es besteht die Möglichkeit für Vergütung.
Bekannte VCs, erfolgreiche Start-ups sowie prominente Forscher werden an der Konferenz teilnehmen. Für Investoren bietet dies die Möglichkeit Einblick in die aktuelle Forschung zum Thema “Predicting Venture Success” zu erhalten, sich mit anderen Finanzmarktteilnehmern auszutauschen, sowie Kontakt zu Start-ups zu knüpfen. Das Event wird zusätzlich von Medienpräsenz (Print & soziale Netzwerke) begleitet.
Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn die Einladung auf Interesse stößt.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Isabell Welpe
—> Start-ups
Celonis (Bastian Nominacher or others) - go via Academic Alliance
Dear team of the Celonis Academic Alliance,
I am reaching out as Professor at the Chair for Strategy and Organization at the Technische Universität München in Germany.
Our inquiry
We are in the process of organizing a top-class, international academic conference on “Predicting Venture Success” with scholars, investors, and startups. We would consider it an extraordinarily valuable contribution to include insights from the journey of Celonis (as home-grown venture) at this conference. Could you indicate, given the description below, whether a member of the leadership team, e.g., Bastian Nominacher would be interested in participating as keynote speaker?
Why you would be the perfect keynote
We, as TUM Chair, have been impressed by Celonis outstanding success journey and the advances the company enabled regarding business processes and data / intelligence. Celonis has become the company, many new ventures aspire to be and is driving digital transformation. Over the years the company as become the billion-dollar start-up, most investors fantasize about. This is where our research ties in.
Background of our research
Especially in the early phases of startup creation, there are no objective criteria for evaluating startups. Although there is consensus that personality and team dynamics are predictors for startup success in these early phases, there is only little empirical research that has studied these factors as predictors for startup success. Our research program aims to address this gap by integrating databases, startup analyzers, secondary data, and trace data to predict the success of hightech startups.
Keynote details
As we see Celonis as role-model for venture success, it would be an honour to welcome one member of the leadership as keynote speaker at the conference and gain insight from their journey. The event is planned for 14th or 21st of July 2022 and will be on-campus in Germany, however – if more convenient – a digital participation or even a recording of your keynote is possible. The final format of the event is dependent on the pandemic situation. Compensation for your keynote is possible.
Participation benefits
Known VCs, unicorns and scholars will be invited to participate in the conference. For scholars, the conference offers an opportunity to connect with other top scholars and discuss their cutting-edge research on topics like venture success, team dynamics, or investors biases. From a practitioner perspective, the conference provides the newest insights in current research and the chance to connect with scholars, startups, and investors. The conference will also be accompanied by a large press release as well as social media coverage.
We would be delighted if this invitation meets you interest.
Kind regards
Isabell Welpe
—> Family business
Peter Marbach